Friday, February 07, 2025
Share God's Word, Show God's Love, Send God's People
Joining the Heflin Baptist FamilyAt the close of every Sunday service the invitation, or opportunity to unite with our church, is given. During the singing of the song of commitment you are invited to come forward where our pastor will greet you. He will discuss the decision you are making and will ask you to complete a card to register your decision.
For BaptismYou may present yourself as a candidate for baptism saying you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior and desire to follow Him in believer's baptism.
By LetterAs a member of another Baptist church, you may transfer your membership to Heflin Baptist. You need to indicate this desire to Bro. Brent by informing him of where you presently hold membership. Our secretary will be happy to write for your letter of recommendation.
By StatementIf you are a Christian who has been baptized by immersion and have membership in a church of like faith and order, you may come by statement even if records of your membership are not available.
For More Information please Contact us |