Our History
History of Heflin Baptist Church
Heflin Baptist Church was established in 1882. Church records were destroyed in 1904 by a fire in the T.I. Landers' store. The first recorded minutes after the fire was August 25, 1904. The report of the treasurer showed the annual budget to be $195.35. Items of expenditures were Minister's salary-$130.00; State Missions -$6.00; Foreign Missions-$10.10; and Orphan's Home-$11.05. These minutes were signed by J.R. Stogdill and T.I. Landers, Minister and Clerk of Baptist Church of Christ, respectively.
Notice the name "Baptist Church of Christ." There was a different name on the deed at the Court House when N.J. Ross, a relative of Mrs. Homer Jones, deeded the land to the Missionary Baptist Church in June, 1884. A church was built which was not only used as a place of worship, but for private school taught by Mr. W.G. Porter, a veteran of the Civil War. Research showed only three names by which the current church was known: Missionary Baptist Church, Baptist Church of Christ, and Heflin Baptist Church. It is unknown exactly when it became Heflin Baptist Church.
Heflin Baptist Church was influential in organizing the Cleburne Baptist Association in 1899 and is its charter member.
Pastors of Heflin Baptist since 1904 include: J.R. Stogdill-1904; John A. Scott-1905; C.B. Boman-1905-1909; John Edwards-1915; Tom Roberts-1917-1922; H.P. Amos-1924; J.J. Haygood-1925; W.W Boswell-1927-1928; S.A. Taylor-1929; J.F. Ingram-1931; H.A. Parker-1935; Paul Meigs-1936; Roy Niager-1937; J. Carson Pritchard-1941-1946; Royall Calloway-1946-1948; L.C. Allen-1948-1953; J.F. Alewine-1953-1957; H. Grady Jarrard-1957-1964; Don Carroll-1964-1983; Wayne Stevens-1984-1994; Philip Morris - 1995-2013; Brent Thompson - 2016 - Present. Paul Meigs was the first seminary graduate to pastor Heflin Baptist.
Heflin Baptist built a new church in 1951. An educational building with a new fellowship hall was constructed in 1967. Through the 1960's the church experienced tremendous accomplishments in spiritual growth, as well as growth in buildings and facilities. The 1970's saw the church begin work in remodeling the sanctuary. A new steeple was installed, an Allen organ and a baby grand Baldwin piano were purchased. A new pastorium was built and occupied in May, 1979.

A Together in Faith Campaign was conducted in 2003 to renovate and enlarge the sanctuary. Work included handicapped restrooms, sound system, stained glass window, choir area, balcony, and foyer. New columns and doors, as well as a new entrance and ramp on the side were also added. All facilities were upgraded to be handicapped accessible.